Crustacean Genomics and Systematics Lab
Catch up on the latest news and accomplishments our lab has achieved!
JAN 19
Special Guest!
A big congratultions to Dr. Robert Tomasetti as he successfully defended his dissertation and has officially graduated with his PhD!!
MAR 14
Happy Earth Day
Bitter sweet farwells as Dr. Lauren Ballou ends her chapter with the CRUSTOMICS Lab and opens a new one st Berea College as a Professor.
APR 11
New Candidate Stormie!
Stormie confidentally defended
and is now a PhD Candidate!
A big congratultions to Dr. Robert Tomasetti as he successfully defended his dissertation and has officially graduated with his PhD!!
JUN 12
Working hard!
Stormie confidentally defended
and is now a PhD Candidate!
MAR 14
Happy Earth Day
Bitter sweet farwells as Dr. Lauren Ballou ends her chapter with the CRUSTOMICS Lab and opens a new one st Berea College as a Professor.
JUL 14
BioBlitz 2024
Ft. Pierce
Stormie confidentally defended
and is now a PhD Candidate!
MAR 18
Stormie confidentally defended
and is now a PhD Candidate!
APR 24
Deep-sea Sergestids
Read all about it!
Dr. Heather Bracken-Grissom & Dr. Danielle DeLeo published an article investigating photosensitivity in deep-sea sergestid shrimp.
OCT 31
Happy Halloween
Dr. Heather Bracken-Grissom & Dr. Danielle DeLeo published an article investigating photosensitivity in deep-sea sergestid shrimp.
DEC 25
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
Dr. Heather Bracken-Grissom & Dr. Danielle DeLeo published an article investigating photosensitivity in deep-sea sergestid shrimp.
OCT 20
Stormie's Proposal Defense
Stormie sucessfully defended her research proposal on the evolutionary history, visual ecology and discovery of bioluminescent shrimps.
NOV 28
Happy Thanksgiving
Dr. Heather Bracken-Grissom & Dr. Danielle DeLeo published an article investigating photosensitivity in deep-sea sergestid shrimp.
New Publication!
Bitter sweet farwells as Dr. Lauren Ballou ends her chapter with the CRUSTOMICS Lab and opens a new one st Berea College as a Professor.
APR 11
Welcome onboard
Angela Ceballos joined us as an undergraduate intern nut is NOW taking after Angel and will be continuing with us as our NEW Lab Manager!
MAY 14
More to come!
Angel Rodriguez has closed his chapter as the Crustomics Lab manager and will be continuing on as one of our Ph.D student!
APR 24
Welcome Mary!
Mary Williams is joining us in pursuit of her Ph.D along side Angel.
APR 11
Safe Travels!
Wishing our CRUSTOMICS crew safe journey and good weather as they set sail on their research cruise for DEEPEND RESTORE!
MAY 14
Dr. Tomasetti!
A big congratultions to Dr. Robert Tomasetti as he successfully defended his dissertation and has officially graduated with his PhD!!
APR 24
Wishing you the best
Dr. Ballou!
Bitter sweet farwells as Dr. Lauren Ballou ends her chapter with the CRUSTOMICS Lab and opens a new one at Berea College as a Professor.
We will miss you!
APR 19
New Candidate Stormie!
Round of applause to Stormie for confidentally presenting her research proposal and has now moved up to a PhD Candidate!
MAY 14
Acanthephyra heatherii
Dr. Alexander Vereshchaka names a new Acanthephyra shrimp species, Acanthephyra heatherii, after our very own Dr. Heather Bracken-Grissom. That marks the second species to be named after her!
APR 24
NSF Award!
Deep-sea Vent Shrimps
Dr. Heather Bracken-Grissom has been awarded a $1.35 million from the National Science Foundation to study alvinocaridid deep sea vent shrimp. More news on this project to come in 2023!
APR 11
Great Job Dr. Peres!
Congrats to Dr. Pedro Peres for receiving Best Oral Presentation in the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology's Division of Phylogenetics and Comparative Biology (SICB DPCB) Wake Award Session!
AUG 03
Dr. Varela!
Carlos Valera has successfully defended his dissertation "DNA BARCODING ENHANCES LARGE-SCALE BIODIVERSITY INITIATIVES FOR DEEP-PELAGIC CRUSTACEANS WITHIN THE GULF OF MEXICO AND ADJACENT WATERS" and successfully obtained his doctorate. Congrats Dr. Valera!
JUL 23
Welcome aboard
Natalie & Stormie!
Stormie Collins and Natalie Whitaker joined Fall 2021 as doctoral students. Stormie plans on working with bioluminescence in shrimp and Natalie plans on working with spider crab seascape genomics!
MAY 14
Cancellus heatherae
Cancellus heatherae is a newly described species of hermit crab named after Dr. BG to honor her contributions to decapod phylogenetics. It was found over 300 feet down!
Check it out here!
APR 11
Way to go Stormie!
Stormie was awarded the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship to join the doctoral program in Fall 2021!
One of eleven students to be awarded at FIU.
Read more here!
AUG 03
Dr. Charles!
Charles Golightly has successfully defended his thesis "The Evolution of Bioluminescence in the Shrimp Family Sergestidae: aGenome Skimming and Phylogenetic Approach" and received his Masters. Congrats Charles!
JUN 08
Welcome aboard
Harrison Mancke became the lab manager and received the NSF REPS fund!
APR 24
Journey into Midnight Expedition
Dr. Heather Bracken-Grissom was part of the 2019 NOAA Journey into Midnight Expedition that found the first ever giant squid in US waters.
Check it out here!
AUG 03
Dr. Ditter!
A big congratulations to Robb Ditter as he successfully defended his dissertation and accepted a postdoctoral research position at University of California, Davis!
Good luck Dr. Ditter!
MAY 14
Read all about it!
Dr. Heather Bracken Grissom was part of a research team to discover interactions between a pelagic shark and giant cephalopod!
JUL 23
Dr. Bracken-Grissom appointed as the Assistant Director of Coastlines and Oceans Division at FIU.
Check her out!
APR 24
Keep up the
good work!
Robert was awarded NSF GRFP!
JUN 08
You're a Star
Dr. Schweikert!
A BIG congratulations to Lori for accepting an Assistant Professorship position in the Department of Biology and Marine Biology at the University of North Carolina Wilmington!
MAR 04
Dr. Jorge Perez Moreno!
Congratulations to Dr. Jorge Perez Moreno for successfully defending his dissertation on the evolution and vision of cave crustaceans!